
Individual Therapy

Individual treatment is essentially about helping you get to where you want to be. Sessions typically last between 45 to 50 minutes long. Most individuals decided to meet on a weekly basis, however many also prefer to meet every other week, monthly or "as needed". The content of the session varies greatly and depends on the presenting problem as well as what goals for treatment were established.

APA | More Info

Couples Therapy

Couples therapy focuses on helping partners work through their current difficulties together. Session typically last between 45 to 50 minutes long. Initial session typically focus on gathering information about your couple's history, presenting issue, and goals of each partner.

APA | Healthy Relationship

Telehealth Services across States

Dr. Perille has been granted Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) by the PSYPACT Commission, allowing him to expand his clinical reach and provide developmentally sensitive and confidential services via teletherapy to patients in PSYPACT compact states. You may find more information about which states are participating below.

PSYPACT | More Info

Clinical Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention. Clinical hypnosis is a tool that can be helpful for treating psychological or physical problem. It is a highly relaxed state where patient's can learn to use their focused minds and access their potential for healing.

ASCH | More Info


Biofeedback refers to a set of techniques used to learn how to better control your body's functions or create a state of increased coherence. Through electromyography (EMG) biofeedback or thermal biofeedback, patients learn how to master the power to their thoughts to control your body, often to improve a health condition or physical performance.

Mayo Clinic | Biofeedback


Providing consultation services to individuals, institutions, agencies or other kinds of organizations around a variety of topics. Contact me for further information.
